Selasa, 04 Desember 2007
Malingsia Policewoman
A one-minute mobile phone video clip showed a woman (not identified), possibly in her 20s, doing ear squats 10 times in front of a policewoman in what looked like a locker room of a police station. The video clip shot was shown to several MP as well as reporters by DAP’s Seputeh MP Teresa KOK in the Parliament lobby on the morning of 25 November 2005.
The unidentified woman detained was shown later putting on her underwear and a black top. The grainy clip began with the police officer ordering the naked woman to do squats, indicating with her hands that the detainee was to hold her ears while doing them. It is believed that the incident happened last month as Ramadan prayer could be heard.
It is not known who recorded the footage, which appeared to be taken without the knowledge of the two women through a window. It was first published by vernacular China Press on its front page on November 25.
Ms. Kok said she believed that the woman in the video clip was not one of the Chinese women nationals who had lodged reports recently against the Petaling Jaya police for being falsely detained, stripped and abused.
Home Minister Azmi Khalid told a press conference in Parliament after viewing the clip that: “This should not have happened. If police personnel are really involved, then this is police abuse…the government will take the necessary action.” On a related matter, Azmi said “Profiling Chinese women especially those below 35 as being involving in vice should not have happened.”
In a further incident, on 3 November 2005, Ms. Zhen was traveling in a car with four friends, one of whom was Chinese and the other three Malingsians, to a party when they were stopped at a police roadblock in Sungai Buloh. They showed the police their passports but the police personnel said that they suspected the passports were fake.
Ms. Zhen told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on November 11, that: “Although I don’t understand Malay, but from their gestures, I knew they asked for RM500. Otherwise we will be arrested.” Knowing she had a genuine passport and had nothing to fear, Ms. Zhen refused to pay. Then Ms. Zhen and her female Chinese friend were immediately handcuffed and taken to the Sungai Buloh police station. There she saw a few more women from mainland China detained for allegedly holding fake passports too. Ms. Zhen called her husband, a Malingsian contractor, to bring their marriage certificate but when her husband arrived, the police just ignored him.
At about 6am, the detainees were taken to the Petaing Jaya district police headquaters where their bags were searched. “A policeman and a policewoman at the corner asked me to give them RM50 for yum cha (drink tea). They took five RM10 notes from my bag. I was so frightened at that time as they were very fierce so I agreed. Two other Chinese women also gave them RM50. And my friend just had 3RM, and they took this as well. They distributed the money in front of us to another two or three officers.”
Then Ms. Zhen was taken to a room where a policewoman ordered her to strip naked. ”I felt so ashamed so I turned my back when removing my undergarments. When I did this, the policewoman slapped me and grabbed my breasts.” Then Ms. Zhen was held in a lock-up with 18 others, in which there were no beds. “It was dirty and full of ants. We were not given water to drink. So all of us had to drink tap water and suffered diarrhea.”
Not until 7 November was Ms. Zhen finally released after the Immigration Department verified her passport.
“I never been handcuffed before. There is no humanity in Malingsia?” Ms. Zhen said, breaking into tears. “I never believed reports in newspaper in China of how Chinese nationals have been abused in Malingsia until I experienced it myself.”
Ms. Zhen has lodged reports over the incident with thee Bukit Aman federal police headquaters and Anti-Corruption Agency and she decided to come forward,” I don’t want any other Chinese national to suffer. I want justice to be done.”
Also present at the press conference were DAP Seputeh MP Teresa KOK and DAP Seputeh’s deputy chairperson Rickie Kow Ah Kuan. Ms. Kok said she has written a letter to IGP Mohd Bakri Omar urging him to investigate this case promptly.
Image Source: BBC
55 Interesting Facts about Racism In Malingsia
Saturday, November 04 2006 @ 01:30 AM PST
Contributed by: twiart
Views: 1,180
AsiaList of racial discriminations in Malingsia, practiced by government as well as government agencies. This list is an open secret. Best verified by government itself because it got the statistics.
(1) Out of all the 5 major banks, only one bank is multi-racial, the rest are controlled by malays
(2) 99% of Petronas directors are malays
(3) 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese
(4) 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by malays
(5) 100% all contractors working under Petronas projects must be bumis status
(6) 0% of non-malay staffs is legally required in malay companies. But there must be 30% malay staffs in Chinese companies.
(7) 5% of all new intake for government police, nurses, army, is non-malays.
(8) 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal Malingsian Air Force (RMAF), drop from 40% in 1960
(9) 2% is the percentage of non-malay government servants in Putrajaya. But malays make up 98%
(10) 7% is the percentage of Chinese government servants in the whole government (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960
(11) 95% of government contracts are given to malays
(12) 100% all business licensees are controlled by malay government e.g. Taxi permits, Approved permits, etc
(13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to be sold to malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers
(14) 100 big companies set up, owned and managed by Chinese Malingsians were taken over by government, and later managed by malays since 1970s e.g. UTC, UMBC, MISC, etc
(15) At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malingsia, throughout 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other malay transport companies due to rejection by malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses
(16) 2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in Johor Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in October 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given
(17) 0 non-malays are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar bus station (November 2004)
(18) 8000 billions ringgit is the total amount the government channeled to malay pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA, privatisation of government agencies, Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over 34 years period
(19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
(20) 144 Indian primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
(21) 2637 malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000
(22) 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary schools. Indian schools got only 1%, malay schools got 96.5%
(23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text-book-loan, a malay parent with RM2000 salary is eligible
(24) 10 all public universities vice chancellors are malays
(25) 5% - the government universities lecturers of non-malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004
(26) Only 5% is given to non-malays for government scholarships over 40 years
(27) 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea under "Look East Policy"
(28) 128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired i.e. Medicine (in 2004)
(29) 10% place for non-bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% malays
(30) 50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malingsians, are beaten up in the National Service program in 2003
(31) 25% is Malingsian Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% in 1957
(32) 7% is the present Malingsian Indians population (2004), a drop from 12% in 1957
(33) 2 millions Chinese Malingsians had emigrated to overseas since 40 years ago
(34) 0.5 million Indian Malingsians had emigrated to overseas
(35) 3 millions Indonesians had migrated into Malingsia and became Malingsian citizens with bumis status.
(36) 600000 are the Chinese and Indians Malingsians with red IC and were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenships compare with the Chinese and Indians
(37) 5% - 15% discount for a malay to buy a house, regardless whether the malay is rich or poor
(38) 2% is what Chinese new villages get compare with 98% of what malay villages got for rural development budget
(39) 50 road names (at least) had been change from Chinese names to other names
(40) 1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name (e.g. Dewan Serbaguna or sort) when it was being officially used for a few days. Government try to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in around year 2000 or sort
(41) 0 temples/churches were built for each housing estate. But every housing estate got at least one mosque/surau built
(42) 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing estates throughout Malingsia since 1970. No temples, no churches are required to be built in housing estates
(43) 1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. But told by malay authority that it must look like a factory and not look like a church. Still not yet approved in 2004
(44) 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002)
(45) 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, TV3) are directors of non-malay origins
(46) 30 government produced TV dramas and films always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face, and the good guys had malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency becomes less
(47) 10 times, at least, malays (especially Umno) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malingsians using May 13 since 1969
(48) 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from the government to develop. Or these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed
(49) 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had been racistly re-delineated so Chinese voters were diluted that Chinese candidates, particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s
(50) Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified by Malingsia government since 1960
(51) 0 - elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (UN Human Rights) is not ratified by Malingsia government since 1960s
(52) 20 reported cases whereby malay ambulance attendances treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and malay government hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200
(53) 50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise there will be no record
(54) 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down malays were seriously assaulted or killed by malays
(55) 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks fixed deposit is only about 3.5% per annum.
Singapura Kritik Perlakuan Rasis Malaysia
SINGAPURA, KAMIS - Menteri Senior Singapura Lee Kuan Yew, Kamis (11/10), mengkritik kebijakan Pemerintah Malingsia yang diskriminatif terhadap etnis minoritas.
Pernyataan itu disampaikan Lee ketika etnis minoritas China dan India di Malingsia mulai berani mengeluhkan kebijakan Pemerintah Malingsia yang selalu mengistimewakan etnis Melayu.
Sebagai catatan, Pemerintah Malingsia mengeluarkan kebijakan pro-Melayu di hampir semua bidang sejak tahun 1972 dengan tujuan mengatasi kesenjangan ekonomi antara etnis Melayu dan China. Sejak saat itu, orang-orang Melayu mendapat hak khusus untuk menduduki posisi strategis di perusahaan-perusahaan. Etnis Melayu juga diberi peluang untuk memiliki 30 persen saham perusahaan yang tercatat di bursa. Kebijakan tersebut, kini, mulai digugat etnis minoritas.
Lee mengatakan, jika Malingsia memperlakukan etnis minoritas China dan India secara lebih baik dan bersedia menjalankan prinsip meritokrasi, Singapura tidak keberatan untuk bergabung lagi dengan Malingsia.
"Jika mereka (Malingsia) mendidik etnis China dan India, memanfaatkan mereka dan memperlakukan mereka sebagai warga negara, mereka (Malingsia) akan menyamai kami, bahkan, bisa melakukan sesuatu yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kami. (Jika itu terjadi), kami akan dengan senang hati bergabung lagi bersama mereka," ujar Lee kepada dua akademisi dari University of California’s Los Angeles Media Center dan University of Southern California’s Annenberg Center.
Singapura berpisah dari Federasi Malingsia pada tahun 1965. Sebelumnya, kedua negara menggabungkan diri, tetapi kebijakan itu tidak berumur panjang. Saat itu, ada kekhawatiran partai yang didominasi etnis China pimpinan Lee akan memengaruhi politik di Malingsia yang didominasi etnis Melayu. (AP/REUTERS/BSW/SUT)
Indonesia vs Malingsia
Ternyata ribut-ribut sweeping oleh organisasi RELA, organisasi masyarakat sipil terhadap WNI di Malaysia kian berlanjut. Panas memang mendengarnya, pemerintah kita hanya protes, no action. Pemerintah Malaysia juga belum ada pernyataan maaf ataupun tindakan yang semestinya dilakukan terhadap pelaku sweeping tersebut. Mungkin bagi masyarakat disana hukum menganiaya selain warga Malaysia tidak dikenai hukuman.
Malaysia ini sudah berlaku seperti penjajah terhadap orang asing di negerinya. Mereka berlagak sebagai tuan tanah yang berhak bertindak semena-mena terhadap orang asing. Moral mereka tak lebih dari moral orang-orang yang berlaku bejat.
Sudah saatnya pemerintah bertindak tegas, jangan mau dikencingi terus oleh mereka. Boikot produk-produk mereka, tutup jalur ekonomi, putuskan hubungan diplomatik. Mereka tak ubahnya penjajah yang berkuasa di kandang sendiri
Popularity: 4% [?]
Incidents may mar Malingsia's tourism bid
By Jonathan Kent
BBC News, Kuala Lumpur
Malingsia celebrates 50 years of independence this year and to mark the occasion it has launched Visit Malingsia Year 2007.
The country's palm-fringed beaches, affordably priced hotels, sprawling shopping malls, fantastic food and wildlife already make it one of Asia's premier destinations.
And this year its tourism authorities hope a big push will propel visitor numbers towards an astonishing target of 20 million.
But following an incident late last year, American Wayne Wright is far from convinced by the promise of Malingsian hospitality and the claim of its tourism slogan that it is truly Asia.
"I was walking in Chinatown," he told the BBC, "when a gentleman in very scruffy type clothes, nothing that you would associate with police or anyone in authority, walked up to me and asked me, "Can I see your passport?"."
Fearing a scam, Mr Wright refused and tried to move away.
"At that point he essentially lunged at me, grabbed me, put handcuffs on me really tightly and called for a few other people out in the crowd," he explained.
Mr Wright, a serving US Navy lawyer, says he protested that he was a US citizen and told the men who had grabbed him that his passport was in his hotel room, a matter of a few hundred meters away.
He was taken, shackled, through Chinatown and put into a caged truck used by the Malingsian immigration department.
'Worst experience'
There he met a second American, who had also been grabbed by men who refused to show any identification, Yahweh Passim Nam.
It became abundantly clear to Mr Wright and Mr Nam they had more in common than their nationality. Both they and every one of the 30 or so other people arrested in the same raid were black.
"This was probably the worst experience I have had in my life"
Wayne Wright
"At this time I'm knowing this is racial profiling, beyond a shadow of a doubt," said Mr Nam, an ex-US Navy serviceman and now a multi media engineer living in Vancouver, Canada.
"This is definitely some screwed up mission by some... militant group, trying to get Africans to take us somewhere," he said, adding that he feared for his life.
They were taken to an immigration detention centre where for almost 24 hours they say they were fed only bread and water, not allowed to go to the toilet and refused permission to contact the US embassy.
"I was treated inhumanely," said Mr Nam. "I felt like a dog, I felt like something worse than a dog."
Mr Wright agrees. "Honestly this was probably the worst experience I have had in my life," he said.
Both say that, when they were finally freed, immigration officers treated the matter as a joke, something that incensed them.
Morality patrol
Malingsia's Head of Immigration Enforcement Ishak Mohamad was approached by the BBC for comment, but was unavailable.
Nor would the prime minister's department comment, although a senior official privately cast doubt on the accounts of the two men.
However not only do they appear to bear one another out, but they are also backed up by the US embassy, which confirmed it provided consular assistance to have them released from custody. No charges were filed against the men.
The incident does not appear to be isolated.
Several Africans approached on the streets of Kuala Lumpur by the BBC over the issue reported facing discrimination in Malingsia, whether it be people refusing to sit next to them on public transport, taxis refusing to stop for them through to harassment by police and immigration officers.
Nor have recent problems been confined to people of African origin.
In October, a couple in their 60s from the US state of Alaska were woken at 0200 with threats to break down the door of their rented holiday apartment on Langkawi Island.
It was an Islamic morality patrol, which under Malingsian law has widespread powers over Muslims' behaviour.
"When I opened the door I saw six men, in my face, yelling at me that they want to inspect the apartment, that I'm Muslim and that they're coming in," Randal Barnhart said.
He told the men he was not Muslim and refused to let them enter, but they persisted.
"They started yelling, 'We want to see your woman, we want to see your woman'," an angry Mr Barnhart recalled.
"So I asked Carole, who was just wearing a sarong to stand back 15 feet in the light so they could see that she is a white woman - my wife of 42 years."
Perhentian beach, Malingsia
The intruders refused to leave without seeing a marriage certificate and were only persuaded to go after being shown the couple's passports.
Mr Barnhart says his wife suffered a nervous breakdown and returned to the US and he is currently pursuing legal action against the religious department.
But rather than disciplining the officers - who apparently broke the law by carrying out the raid without regular police in tow - local politicians defended them saying Mrs Barnhart was mistaken for a local Muslim because she liked to wear a sarong.
That assertion has been greeted with derision by some in Malingsia.
Malingsia's Tourism Minister Adnan Mansor defended the immigration department, pointing out that Malingsia has problems with illegal migration.
"Sorry to say especially there's a lot of Africans, black people, who come to our country and overstay," he said.
"What they did was just trying to clean up some of these people who've overstayed in our country."
Both Wayne Wright and Yahweh Passim Nam had not overstayed their welcome. They had legitimate tourist visas.
The minister says he is keen to repair the damage.
"Give us a chance and let us correct this," Mr Mansor said.
He has apologised to the Barnharts and acknowledges Malingsia has a problem with petty officials who readily abuse their power - a problem he says the government will address by re-educating them.
But it is not the kind of news the country needs on the cusp of its big tourism year.
Asta, the American Society of Travel Agents, described the incidents as regrettable.
"Authorities have an obligation to educate the local populace about the importance of tourism and their role and to be vigilant and protective of anti-tourist incidents," a spokesman told the BBC.
And more worrying still for Malingsians is that such incidents are merely symptomatic of a wider issue - public servants who are increasingly resistant to government control.
Newspaper columnist Dina Zaman says some Malingsians are looking to Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi to take a tougher line.
"They don't think he's authoritative enough," she believes.
"You need someone to actually sit down and say, 'Look you can't do this, you can't do that'. And yes, he's a nice man but with... the crime rate, all these things... it just makes you wonder whether he's too nice."
Millions of people will doubtless visit Malingsia during 2007 and most will have a very happy time.
But until Malingsia's bureaucracy wants to make sure they all do, some would-be visitors may be deciding to holiday elsewhere.
13 malingsia jadi pencuri (maling) di changi airport
Some of the items the police found in Rusli's locker included five digital cameras, a pair of sunglasses and a shirt.
But Rusli Abdul Amin, 28, did more than that.
He also helped himself to valuables in the luggage, stealing items such as handphones, watches, digital cameras, perfumes and even books.
Yesterday, District Judge Aedit Abdullah sentenced the Malaysian to two months' jail after he pleaded guilty totwo counts oftheft.
A charge of fraudulent possession of property was taken into consideration duringsentencing.
Police spokesman ASP Lim Tung Li said Rusli and 12 other accomplices were arrested on 18 Aug during a joint raid by airport police and the Singapore Airport Terminal Services.
Said ASP Lim:'In all, 13 Malaysian men, aged 21 to 36, were arrested in connection with the case.
'Three were charged in court on 20 Aug for fraudulent possession and theft, and subsequently convicted.
'Investigations into the case against the others are ongoing.'
The court heard that the airport police had received a tip-off that baggage handlers hired by a company called Manila Construction were stealing valuables from passengers' baggage.
Also, passengers had lodged police reports that they had lost items from their checked-in baggage.
The police were also told that the baggage handlers were squatting without permission at a room in the airport.
The room, which was allocated to Manila Construction by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, was to be used only as a resting room for the baggage handlers.
On 18 Aug, around 3am, police officers raided the room, which is located near to aerobridge F54, in the apron area.
There, they found 19 workers sleeping. The place looked like a workers' quarters, Assistant Public Prosecutor Kalaithasan Karuppaya told the court.
He added that cardboards and a cooker were found in the room.
The workers' belongings were searched and items such as handphones, digital cameras, watches, music players, books, perfume bottles and jewellery were found.
Around 4.45am, Rusli returned to the room and he was searched too.
A handphone was found on him.
The police questioned him and he admitted he had a locker, where more stolen goods were kept.
These included five digital cameras, one battery charger, one pair of sunglasses and a shirt.
He later admitted that he had stolen two of the cameras from passengers' baggage in June.
He was charged with fraudulent possession of the other items, which he could not account for.
The total value of the items was unknown.
Rusli told the police officers that he didn't know who the items belonged to.
Police investigations revealed he had stolen a handphone, worth about $180, and a SIM card from a passenger's checked-in baggage at the baggage-sorting area at Terminal 2.
The passenger discovered the loss later and lodged a police report on 16 Aug.
Rusli used the stolen handphone and the SIM card to make calls to his friends here and in Malaysia.
In his mitigation in court yesterday, Rusli said he was sorry for what he did and wanted to be allowed to remain here and work after his jail term.
Rusli could have been jailed up to three years and fined for each charge.
mari kita galakkan pemakaian istilah ini: MALINGSIA, karena negara ini memang MALINGSIA..
kalo media malingsia dan orang orang malingsia bilang bahwa indonesia =MAT INDON ——–> maka : MALAYSIA = MALINGSIA
agak kasar memang, tetapi gak papa di era kebebasan ini
salam dari Indonesia
Indon & Malingsia
Kedua kata di atas adalah ejekan dari 2 negara, Indonesia dan Malaysia. Ada apa sebenarnya?
Begini, Malaysia pernah mengeluarkan kata “Indon” sebagai sebutan orang Indonesia yang tinggal di sana. Awalnya, kata “Indon” berasal dari salah satu media massa Malaysia. Dan lama kelamaan, merambah menjadi suatu bahan ejekan untuk orang Indonesia.
dan sebaliknya, Indonesia pernah mengatakan “Malingsia” sebagai ejekan untuk orang Malaysia.
Saya pernah membuka “Google” dan mencari tahu lebih lanjut tentang Indon dan Malingsia. Saya ketikan saja “Indon Malingsia” lalu saya klik “search.” Dan, astaghfirullah! saya menemukan forum dengan judul “Indon Negara Hina.Kesian.” di dalamnya, saya juga melihat comment seperti ini :
“itu belum dikira tahap kekejian lagi..dicampur dengan kehinaan,kebatilan,kekuffaran. ..
kesian indon…
sudah busuk,dimakannya pulak nanah belanda..yang terlebih bahaya…bila mereka menemui tahi lembu yang masih panas mereka sangka itu adalah kuih kebanggaan mereka…
dasar anjing kurap belaan belanda…sudah busuk dikeji malah hina sungguh bangsa mu…
Sungguh, kenapa Indonesia dan Malaysia tidak pernah DAMAI? Kita kan satu saudara… Satu ASEAN… Banyak juga rakyat muslim di Malaysia… Tapi kenapa kita tidak pernah berdamai?
Harapan saya dalam artikel ini adalah ingin mengingatkan kepada Indonesia dan Malaysia bahwa Perselisihan seperti ini harus diselesaikan secepatnya. Kita saling membutuhkan, dan tidak mungkin terpisahkan.
Mohon maaf apabila artikel kali ini menyangkut masalah kenegaraan…
Malaysia Dituding Pinggirkan Etnis India
KUALA LUMPUR - Perdana Menteri Malaysia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi gerah dengan pengakuan etnis India bahwa mereka menjadi golongan marginal. Klaim itu, menurut dia, sama sekali tidak benar.
“Saya sebetulnya jarang marah. Tapi, kebohongan yang terang-terangan ini membuat saya sangat marah dan ini sama sekali tidak bisa ditoleransi,” ujar Badawi seperti dilansir kantor berita Bernama.
Pemerintah Malaysia memang dikagetkan oleh demo besar-besaran yang dilakukan etnis India di Malaysia pada Minggu, 25 November. Ketika itu, etnis India memprotes kebijakan pemerintah Malaysia yang mereka anggap pilih kasih.
Kemarahan Abdullah juga meledak akibat pengakuan kelompok tersebut bahwa mereka adalah korban “pembersihan etnis”. Itu tertulis dalam surat yang ditujukan kepada pemerintah Inggris sebagai penjajah yang membawa etnis India dari negara asalnya untuk dijadikan sebagai pekerja pada 1800-an.
“Pembersihan etnis itu sama seperti yang terjadi di Bosnia saat Serbia membunuh dan menghalalkan berbagai cara untuk menghilangkan Bosnia dari negaranya. Tapi, kami kan sama sekali tidak berbuat seperti itu di sini,” lanjut Badawi.
Sang PM juga menyangkal bahwa pemerintah sengaja meminggirkan India untuk menaikkan status etnis Melayu.
“Selama 50 tahun kemerdekaan Malaysia, kami tidak pernah mempunyai masalah dengan India. Saya telah membantu mereka dengan banyak cara. Bila mereka perlu dana untuk memperbaiki kuil, saya membantunya karena kami memang menghargai agama lain. Lagi pula, mereka bukanlah musuh kami. Selama ini mereka telah bekerja sama dengan baik,” kata negarawan yang akrab disapa Pak Lah itu.
Tidak dimungkiri bahwa kerusuhan yang terjadi beberapa lalu dan melibatkan puluhan ribu orang itu membuat Malaysia menjadi sorotan dunia internasional. Apalagi protes atas kasus diskriminasi juga pernah dilakukan etnis Tionghoa yang tinggal di negara tersebut.(AFP/dia/ami)
Presiden Siap Nyatakan Perang
Jakarta | 13:48:02 WIB
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sebagai Kepala Negara dan Kepala Pemerintahan mengatakan dirinya siap menyatakan perang jika ada negara yang mengganggu kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan RI (NKRI). Menurutnya, banyak yang menilai dirinya terlalu baik dengan negara lain.
Dengan demikian, dikhawatirkan Indonesia bisa kehilangan kedaulatannya. “Selain Presiden saya juga Panglima Tertinggi TNI. Jadi tidak mungkin satu jengkal pun negeri ini kita biarkan lepas,” katanya saat membuka Munas VIII Generasi Muda Forum Komunikasi Putra-Putri Purnawirawan dan Putra-Putri TNI Polri (FKPPI) di Caringin, Bogor.
Namun, ia menyanggah hal itu karena dirinya telah bersumpah sejak mengabdi di TNI untuk menjaga kedaulatan RI. Untuk menjaga kedaulatan itu, bisa dengan berbagai cara seperti negosiasi. Namun jika negosiasi tidak berhasil, maka harus diselesaikan dengan jalan perang.
“Kalau untuk mempertahankan negara harus dengan perang, saya siap perang. Tetapi itu cara terakhir setelah kita mencari yang lain,” katanya. Untuk memutuskan sebuah perang harus dipertimbangkan berbagai langkah lain seperti biaya dari perang tersebut di saat pemerintah masih membutuhkan dana yang besar untuk membangun kesejahteraan masyarakat.
“Tetapi manakala tidak ada cara lain, tidak hanya kasus Ambalat, tentu akan kita lakukan perang. Ini bukan militerisme, tetapi militer kita harus diperkuat supaya kita tak dilecehkan negara lain,” katanya.
Reog Ponorogo INDONESIA vs Tarian Barongan Malaysia a.k.a Malingsia
Di sadur dari
Seorang teman membuat saya tersentak hari ini, “Njie, budaya kotamu diambil Malaysia.”
Kalimat diatas membuat saya langsung berfikir keras ?
“Budaya kotaku ?”
“Iya, Reog Ponorogo itu lho ?”
Kemudian dari link yang diberikan oleh teman saya tersebut, saya mulai menelusuri satu per satu hingga sampai di sebuah bagian yang judulnya Tarian Barongan.
Silahkan Anda mengikuti langkah saya : >> Kesenian >> Tarian >> Tarian Tradisional Melayu >> Tarian Barongan (option ke lima dari atas)
Anda akan disuguhi kata-kata seperti ini :
Barongan menggambarkan kisah-kisah di zaman Nabi Allah Sulaiman dengan binatang-binatang yang boleh bercakap. Kononnya, seekor harimau telah terlihat seekor burung merak yang sedang mengembangkan ekornya. Apabila terpandang harimau, merak pun melompat di atas kepala harimau dan keduanya terus menari. Tiba-tiba Pamong (Juru Iring) bernama Garong yang mengiringi Puteri Raja yang sedang menunggang kuda lalu di kawasan itu. Pamong lalu turun dari kudanya dan menari bersama-sama binatang tadi. Tarian ini terus diamalkan dan boleh dilihat di daerah Batu Pahat, Johor dan di negeri Selangor.
Kontan saya terperanjat ! Dari fotonya saya yakin betul bahwa itu mirip sekali dengan kesenian dari kota kelahiran saya, Ponorogo - Jawa Timur. Saya lahir dan besar di Kota Reog ini. Saya hafal setiap bentuk dari Reog, riwayat dan asal-usul kesenian yang juga menjadi simbol dari Propinsi Jawa Timur ini.
Silahkan kunjungi website kota Ponorogo, dan Anda akan disuguhi tampilan dari Reog yang mirip dengan Tarian Barongan dari Malaysia ini.
Menurut cerita kelahiran kesenian Reog dimulai pada tahun saka 900. Dilatarbelakangi kisah tentang perjalanan Prabu Kelana Sewandana, Raja Kerajaan Bantarangin yang sedang mencari calon Permaisurinya. Bersama prajurit berkuda, dan patihnya yang setia, Bujangganong. Akhirnya gadis pujaan hatinya telah ditemukan, Dewi Sanggalangit, putri Kediri. Namun sang putri menetapkan syarat agar sang prabu menciptakan sebuah kesenian baru terlebih dahulu sebelum dia menerima cinta sang Raja. Maka dari situlah terciptalah kesenian Reog.
Bentuk Reog pun sebenarnya merupakan sebuah sindiran yang maknanya bahwa sang Raja (kepala harimau) sudah disetir atau sangat dipengaruhi oleh permaisurinya (burung merak).
Biasanya satu group dalam pertunjukan Reog terdiri dari seorang Warok Tua, sejumlah warok muda, pembarong, penari Bujang Ganong, dan Prabu Kelono Suwandono. Jumlahnya berkisar antara 20 hingga 30-an orang, peran sentral berada pada tangan warok dan pembarongnya.
Tulisan Reog sendiri asalnya dari Reyog, yang huruf-hurufnya mewakili sebuah huruf depan kata-kata dalam tembang macapat Pocung yang berbunyi: rasa kidung/ingwang sukma adiluhung/Yang Widhi/olah kridaning Gusti/gelar gulung kersaning Kang Maha Kuasa.
Penggantian Reyog menjadi Reog-yang disebutkan untuk “kepentingan pembangunan”- saat itu sempat menimbulkan polemik. Bupati Ponorogo Markum Singodimejo yang mencetuskan nama Reog (Resik, Endah, Omber, Girang gemirang) tetap mempertahankannya sebagai slogan resmi Kabupaten Ponorogo.
Alur cerita pementasan Reog yaitu warok, kemudian jatilan, Bujangganong, Kelana Sewandana, barulah barongan atau dadak merak di bagian akhir. Ketika salah satu unsur di atas sedang beraksi, unsur lain ikut bergerak atau menari meski tidak menonjol.
Reog modern biasanya dipentaskan dalam beberapa peristiwa seperti pernikahan, khitanan dan hari-hari besar Nasional. Seni Reog Ponorogo terdiri dari beberapa rangkaian 2 sampai 3 tarian pembukaan. Tarian pertama biasanya dibawakan oleh 6-8 pria gagah berani dengan pakaian serba hitam, dengan muka dipoles warna merah. Para penari ini menggambarkan sosok singa yang pemberani. Berikutnya adalah tarian yang dibawakan oleh 6-8 gadis yang menaiki kuda. Pada Reog tradisionil, penari ini biasanya diperankan oleh penari laki-laki yang berpakaian wanita. Tarian ini dinamakan tari jaran kepang, yang harus dibedakan dengan seni tari lain yaitu tari kuda lumping. Tarian pembukaan lainnya jika ada biasanya berupa tarian oleh anak kecil yang membawakan adegan lucu.
Setelah tarian pembukaan selesai, baru ditampilkan adegan inti yang isinya bergantung kondisi dimana seni Reog ditampilkan. Jika berhubungan dengan pernikahan maka yang ditampilkan adalah adegan percintaan. Untuk hajatan khitanan atau sunatan, biasanya cerita pendekar.
Adegan dalam seni Reog biasanya tidak mengikuti skenario yang tersusun rapi. Disini selalu ada interaksi antara pemain dan dalang (biasanya pemimpin rombongan) dan kadang-kadang dengan penonton. Terkadang seorang pemain yang sedang pentas dapat digantikan oleh pemain lain bila pemain tersebut kelelahan. Yang lebih dipentingkan dalam pementasan seni reog adalah memberikan kepuasan kepada penontonnya.
Adegan terakhir adalah singa barong, dimana pelaku memakai topeng berbentuk kepala singa dengan mahkota yang terbuat dari bulu burung merak. Berat topeng ini bisa mencapai 50-60 kg. Topeng yang berat ini dibawa oleh penarinya dengan gigi. Kemampuan untuk membawakan topeng ini selain diperoleh dengan latihan yang berat, juga dipercaya diproleh dengan latihan spiritual seperti puasa dan tapa.
Sumber : berbagai sumber
Sebagai masyarakat Ponorogo asli, jujur saya sedih dengan adanya berita ini. Sepertinya budaya asli Indonesia mulai diangkuti satu per satu oleh malingsia.
Sejak kasus Sipadan-Ligitan, Ambalat, pemukulan wasit dan penyiksaan TKI kita di malingsia, Pematenan lagu Rasa sayange, Ilir-ilir, Indung-Indung, Si Jali-jali, batik, wayang, angklung, dll, saya pribadi sangat menyayangkan sikap Pemerintah malingsia yang seolah-olah arogan terhadap bangsa serumpunnya, yakni Indonesia.
Indonesia ? Kapan Anda sadar akan imperialisme perlahan-lahan seperti ini ?
Malingsia - Trully Maling (Thief)
They called them self as Trully Asia but they use Indonesian Songs and Dance and our culture...!
Go to hell MalingSia!!!